Beware, the seller sometimes acts like a fraud! I've bought several items from this seller and it was ok, but one time I've purchased three items at the same time and received one two. When I tried to escalate the dispute, Aliexpress said that I've received this item. That was because there was only one tracking number for all the 3 items in the parcel and Ali knowed, that I've received the parcel. I wrote to the seller and he said that it was his mistake. He proposed me to buy something else and he promised to put the missing item in the new parcel. I've bought this item but he did not put the missing item inside. I wrote to the seller and guess what he had proposed? Pay again! So I've lost my money! My advice. When you have to buy something from this seller better to buy only one thing at the same time. In that case you could receive your money back. If you will buy several items at the same time you can be fooled by this seller and will loose you money.
fast delivery - 3 weeks , the quality is poor