The shipment had never reached my country but the seller still wanted to keep my money. AE had to step in to get me covered. Think twice before buying from this seller.
Fantastic product! Sanding paper sheets has a really good quality! Cutted to a size of length 74mm x width 25mm. The basic paper of the sheets is thin which is good. Easy to cut to an individual size. The tape on the backside is gluing really very good. The protection foil is easy to remove. Very nice is also that every single paper and it’s box is clearly marked with it‘s grit/ roughness number! It’s in general an very nice set which makes really sense and it is great for wet or dry sanding work. A wide spectrum of the different grit/ roughness and the possibility to reorder different sets (or single boxes) makes it absolutely perfect! I highly recommend to buy and it‘s worth it‘s prize! Shipping/ packing ok. Very fast delivery! Many thanks to this professional seller!