The item looks similar to the one in the pictures of the website but the build quality is lacking, it feels cheap. It arrived in a pretty squished box and required assembly, the fun part... The image on the "manual" page is not of the same item, the instructions are laughable and I still ended up with pieces that I don't know where they go. So as long as your are willing to put up with all this and are willing to take a chance this item might be worth it but it's too soon to tell.
The item looks similar to the one in the pictures of the website but the build quality is lacking, it feels cheap. It arrived in a pretty squished box and required assembly, the fun part... The image on the "manual" page is not of the same item, the instructions are laughable and I still ended up with pieces that I don't know where they go. So as long as your are willing to put up with all this and are willing to take a chance this item might be worth it but it's too soon to tell.