GTF100% 4pcs New  AAA Battery 2100mah 1.5V Alkaline AAA rechargeable battery for Remote Control Toy light Batery ► Photo 1/6
GTF100% 4pcs New  AAA Battery 2100mah 1.5V Alkaline AAA rechargeable battery for Remote Control Toy light Batery ► Photo 1/6
GTF100% 4pcs New  AAA Battery 2100mah 1.5V Alkaline AAA rechargeable battery for Remote Control Toy light Batery ► Photo 2/6
GTF100% 4pcs New  AAA Battery 2100mah 1.5V Alkaline AAA rechargeable battery for Remote Control Toy light Batery ► Photo 3/6

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GTF100% 4pcs New AAA Battery 2100mah 1.5V Alkaline AAA rechargeable battery for Remote Control Toy light Batery

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4.90 $
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Rating: 3

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Customer Reviews

January 21, 2020

Аккумуляторы не соответствуют заявленной емкости! Вместо 2100mAh максимально удалось зарядить до 580mAh. Либо подделка, либо просто обман. Создал спор - продавец не ответил. Aliexpress вернул деньги. Не покупать! The actual capacity of these batteries is 420-580 mAh, not 2100 mAh, as stated in the description of the lot. This is a fraud and a fake! Created a dispute - the seller did not respond. Aliexpress returned the money. Do not buy!

January 12, 2020

Received in good order. Capacity yet to be tested...