Grition sandals are light but seem sturdy, size and product was well matching the description. The shipping delay was VERY long (nearly 3 months) but then the world is a strange place these days. Indonesia customs charged 10$ customs duty on a 26$ item - this is not normal and not what i had to pay on previous orders, Ali Express should look to consolidated shipping as this is an excessive Customs Charge and my friends have received items from Tmall at much lower customs duty.
Grition sandals are light but seem sturdy, size and product was well matching the description. The shipping delay was VERY long (nearly 3 months) but then the world is a strange place these days. Indonesia customs charged 10$ customs duty on a 26$ item - this is not normal and not what i had to pay on previous orders, Ali Express should look to consolidated shipping as this is an excessive Customs Charge and my friends have received items from Tmall at much lower customs duty.