Good, Helps for the price the quality is much better. I appreciate, however, the handle seems old and used. I know it is new but is a nit worn out. I messaged the seller and he was positive and supportive. Very nice seller thank you. Okay the orange handle is not carrot despite it's shape and colour. well it came quite quick depsite the problems the world is facing, this is a plus point and I do reccomend it if you have no issues with worn out handles of course.
Good, Helps for the price the quality is much better. I appreciate, however, the handle seems old and used. I know it is new but is a nit worn out. I messaged the seller and he was positive and supportive. Very nice seller thank you. Okay the orange handle is not carrot despite it's shape and colour. well it came quite quick depsite the problems the world is facing, this is a plus point and I do reccomend it if you have no issues with worn out handles of course.