The helmet is made of a soft material, so it feels more like a mask than an actual helmet. The top of the helmet holds it's shape very well however warps quite a bit around the bottom. It's not a good look when the power armor is meant to be quite solid. Running a strong wire (probably coat hanger wire) around the bottom inside would help it keep it's shape. The eyes could be adjusted; they could be bigger (on the inside) to make it easier to see while still being small enough to support the plastic, and some one-way transparent covering would really improve the look. Lastly, the paint job appears quite plain. No deception here - looks the same as the photos provided online. It's just when looking at it in person I realize it really needs a bit of wear and tear to really take the appearance to the next level. Ultimately, I don't see any other Power Armor helmets for sale on the internet, so unless you make one yourself, this is probably the best one out there.
I'm satisfied of the service and the delivery was fast... to France. But I leave in Guadeloupe and there's no affordable shipping to my country. I have now to ask someone to send me the parcel. :-(