The seller provided a fake tracking number in the official aliexpress page. After more than 2 weeks of waiting for a real tracking number and sending a message to the seller, the seller cancel the delivery on 22 Sept 2020 and did not refund. How is it possible to cancel a delivery on 22 Sept 2020, which should have been sent more than 12 days ago (5 working days from the date of payment 05 Sept 2020)? The seller is a fraudster, on the page of the product at the aliexpress's site is written that there is more than 12000 pieces available for this product and it is still available for buying. This is the second order from the seller and it happened a similar situation with the first order, similar product with similar quantity (2089 pieces available). I demand an immediate refund and AliExpress' Judgement Team refund immediately at the day as I opened a dispute. I would want to see the fraudster bear the consequences of his fraudulent actions.
The seller provided a fake tracking number in the official aliexpress page. After more than 2 weeks of waiting for a real tracking number and sending a message to the seller, the seller cancel the delivery on 22 Sept 2020 and did not refund. How is it possible to cancel a delivery on 22 Sept 2020, which should have been sent more than 12 days ago (5 working days from the date of payment 05 Sept 2020)? The seller is a fraudster, on the page of the product at the aliexpress's site is written that there is more than 12000 pieces available for this product and it is still available for buying. This is the second order from the seller and it happened a similar situation with the first order, similar product with similar quantity (2089 pieces available). I demand an immediate refund and AliExpress' Judgement Team refund immediately at the day as I opened a dispute. I would want to see the fraudster bear the consequences of his fraudulent actions.