Bag is great, my second order for the style. Super simple but bag with huge capacity. Red color is dark and noble.
So from here I want to tell more about quality of bag. Outer material is nice, metal pieces seems too. Until you look inside more precisely. Stitches made like no one cares, zip fly never fixed properly inside bag interior. I had to fix them by myself as much as I can. Also one of the stripe end wasn't fixed properly inside the corner, so I had to fix it on my sewing machine. And For some reason there a bunch of foam rubber inside, I take it away and bag doesn't change it's shape. What for it was there, to give an image of something thick and strong? Manufacture should be better think about quality of interior and sewing for bag, and not to put a heavy garbage inside. By the way, it isn't eco-friendly, right? Also, I want to leave 3 stars feedback after my investigation and fixing issues effort, but I can't.
very good bag. As a picture. Thanks