I am overall happy with the product, I however have a few issues which I am going to share here. I received all the items as described, the replacement part for the heat gun was a bit damaged (during shipment) I guess. The heat gun and soldering iron seems to be working very well and I do not have any complaints about them. I however am very unhappy about the solder wire, rosin, copper braid and tips for the soldering iron. The rosin seems to be cheap and so far is not working well at all, well it is either that or the solder wire, in any event, they are troublesome. I would prefer fewer items and a quality solder iron tips wire and braid. The solder tips seems to get dirty very quick even though I try to clean them, this again could be the flux, solder wire of just the tips...like I said, of these three I am not sure which are the worse, I would just have to try different products to narrow down the issue I am having.
A very weak soldering iron is not worth the money and the blower does not heat properly it is not ....worth working if this device