Item didn't arrive. Contacted the store, even after 100 days, I was told to just wait some more time. After I opened dispute the seller asked me to just close the dispute. Had to get the payment returned via dispute. To be fair - me and my friends ordered many things from this seller and usually it arrives pretty quickly and usually no problem with the items. For some reason two packages from this seller with multiple items didn't arrive and couple other packages that I ordered later arrived - I understand that there are problems with post all over the world and I was ready to wait some more as long as the purchase is protected. I expected the seller to give support and resend or refund the payment if after more than 3 months its not there, even the tracking expired, BUT I discovered the seller just wants the buyer to look away, to close dispute. It was a good seller but I will not be buying from wavgat again and will be telling this to all friends I recommended this seller before.
nice tested yet. thanks