It is the second time that I have bought this saddle. But this time, for my new road bike project . The saddle is ok, good quality, fast shipping, and weight only 146 gr. The first time they send me the wrong color, but I did not care about that because it was black. After using the saddle for several weeks, the sore ass is still a problem. In my case, the pain usually starts after 1 hour biking. For this reason, I have decided to buy an extra silicone saddle cover.
The saddle looks fine and the delivery was quite fast! Only about 3 weeks! I would say it looks good and i like how it feels. the only thing I don't like is that it's not perfectly similar in both sides. we will see how it feels while in use. I hope there is no problem, but I think it's only in the front of the saddle and not where you sit. (I took the picture perfectly horizontal. The saddle and my phone were both on the ground) here are a lot of pictures.