Warning: Don't deal with this seller! Never shipped the item, after payment asked for more money to ship and had to go through dispute for more than a month to get my money back! Save your time and money and don't deal with such lier seller.
WARNING: Thief, cheater, lier seller, never respect buyer time or money. doesn't deserve even a star. NEVER shipped the order gave FAKE tracking and moving number of another BUYER that signed delivered! I don't know how he made this??!! AliExpress each time change my reason on dispute from wrong address to protection time running out then give INVALID!! Very bad seller will make you pay then ask for FRIEGHT DIFFERENCE or you will go through dispute!! and with cool blood he write in the dispute "the package returned to us from logistic company!!" despite he NEVER shipped and ask for frieght difference!! I think his hours on this site are limited as there are steps taken against him from AliExpress management system. "DON'T DEAL WITH THIS SELLER AND SAVE YOUR MONEY"