The seller did not send the item. They took money from me and cheated. I waited for an order for several months. The seller is not honest. The seller is very bad.You can't do that. The seller attracts buyers with a good deal, but he was not going to fulfill it. This is cheating buyers.
please read this messages before buy anything. they sold this product while winter sale. and when sale finished, they said to me that they can't send. i stayed abouth 60 days, because i can't found any drill as same quality as same price. i always write seller(abouth 50 times). they always founded an excuse, they always wrote inconsistent messages and they confused you... i always write to EVA(aliexpress consumer agent team, they transmit this problem their higher team many times)... but then, no solition.EVA isn't effective... seller promise me that they can make same discount, and i accept the refund, and than seller offered me 1(one) dollar discount. like a joke... and than, they close the China stock for my country... they are not reliable, they are rude, and they are lier. the EVA agent team doesn't have any sanction. they are waiting there to trick costumers with sweet words. so please be careful and be sure that they will send the product