Packaging is very cute ; the adapter comes with a beautiful nice wooden box. The product matches perfectly with the description of the seller. It is made of noble metal, looks very robust (much more than other similar DAC adapters), high quality. I tested it quickly, and it works perfectly. Although I could not yet perceive a huge difference with the Apple adapter which has a Cirrus Logic CS42L42 chip with only 24bits/192kHz, but I must listen to it more. Will probably add further comments in the future.
I tested intensively the TC35i; it works very well with music but also calls using a headset with mic. Concerning sound performance; slight improvement compared to the Apple adapter (Cirrus Logic CS42L42 DAC chip with 24bits/192kHz), but not a huge difference, you can only notice with high-end headphones. So little disappointment, as I was expecting better performance with a chip showing specs of 32bits 384kHz ! Moreover, the DD company made a great job here with the TC35i, in terms of design, overall volume, quality of materials (beautiful medical grade steel) very well built, the best robust adapter I've seen so far, and I tried many... I am still very happy of my purchase. For future improvements of this adapter, I would suggest DD to use ESS Sabre chips, as they are sonically way above the others in terms of sonic performances currently, and will make this TC35i a unique and unbeatable killer !!!