Fast shipping, seller is good. I try measure with +5V and +9V and amplifier gets no gain. The Diode D1 (on seller picture is missing) is shining blue color when voltage is on DC pad or thru the bias-tee. Maybe is 9V too low - amp is declared as a 1-50V. One thing is DANGEROUS, diode D1 shows powering and not biasing. It is connected paraller to all DC. So it is not filtrate voltage from pad to sma. If you put voltage on DC pad, It will be on sma (RF+DC) too. You can destroy your device if it is connected directly without filtering bias-tee! RF on the other side is isolated and without any voltage. So the amp do EXACTLY what is there written. Unfortunately my device cannot supply more than 9V and I have no bias tee voltage filter just now. So I don't know if item is working.
Fast shipping, seller is good. I try measure with +5V and +9V and amplifier gets no gain. The Diode D1 (on seller picture is missing) is shining blue color when voltage is on DC pad or thru the bias-tee. Maybe is 9V too low - amp is declared as a 1-50V. One thing is DANGEROUS, diode D1 shows powering and not biasing. It is connected paraller to all DC. So it is not filtrate voltage from pad to sma. If you put voltage on DC pad, It will be on sma (RF+DC) too. You can destroy your device if it is connected directly without filtering bias-tee! RF on the other side is isolated and without any voltage. So the amp do EXACTLY what is there written. Unfortunately my device cannot supply more than 9V and I have no bias tee voltage filter just now. So I don't know if item is working.