Today i installed the control board on a tcl inverter air conditioning, it took me some time to figure out how to connect everything. The outdoor circuit board could be installed very easy, the indoor board took some extra time because i had to figure out how to make enough space for the somewhat large indoor-unit control board. Also the correct connection for the fan and swing-motor took some time but it all worked out. Everything is working fine! I even managed to get some translation done, here is a list of the error-codes: E1 Error indoor temp.sensor, E2 Error indoor evaporatorsensor, E3 Error outdoor temp.sensor E4 error outdoor exhaust temp.sensor, E5 Overvoltage outdoorunit, E6 overload outdoorunit E7 error inverter module, E8 communication error indoor-outdoor E9 communication error outdoor boards EA exhaust temperature to high.
Today i installed the control board on a tcl inverter air conditioning, it took me some time to figure out how to connect everything. The outdoor circuit board could be installed very easy, the indoor board took some extra time because i had to figure out how to make enough space for the somewhat large indoor-unit control board. Also the correct connection for the fan and swing-motor took some time but it all worked out. Everything is working fine! I even managed to get some translation done, here is a list of the error-codes: E1 Error indoor temp.sensor, E2 Error indoor evaporatorsensor, E3 Error outdoor temp.sensor E4 error outdoor exhaust temp.sensor, E5 Overvoltage outdoorunit, E6 overload outdoorunit E7 error inverter module, E8 communication error indoor-outdoor E9 communication error outdoor boards EA exhaust temperature to high.