I'm 10000% happy with my purchase! The seller's very kind, sending them the image for the custom mousepad was very easy and they answered very quickly. Considering I ordered this right before new year's eve, time between preparing the item and receveing it was very short, less than two weeks from there to Argentina. Also, the package was very carefully wrapped. I got my money's worth, the quality's very good. I really recommend buying, thanks!
I'm 10000% happy with my purchase! The seller's very kind, sending them the image for the custom mousepad was very easy and they answered very quickly. Considering I ordered this right before new year's eve, time between preparing the item and receveing it was very short, less than two weeks from there to Argentina. Also, the package was very carefully wrapped. I got my money's worth, the quality's very good and the led lights are perfectly working. I really recommend buying, thanks!