The NE5532P op amp is fake. Look at the attached photo of the fake next to genuine NE5532P from an authorized distributor. I must seriously question the quality of the other components. Note that the electrolytic capacitors appear to be of the lowest rank/tier supplier. In the second attached photo I have installed a genuine NJM4562. If the fake op amp is replaced then it has a good sound. However fake components can not be condoned so I can not recommend such a seller. The fake component problem is not acceptable. Of course the listing shows a picture of a real NE5532P. Funny how the products that arrive with fake components are always photographed and listed with real components. That way we know we are dealing with deliberate deceivers. I wonder what other parts are also fake in this product? Sadly I have noted that reviews regarding fake components disappear. As a result new buyers are fooled by reviews that look good after the genuine bad reviews disappear.