Everything seems to be fine with the products. I'm not really sure if it's real leather though. It arrived in a plastic box and seller had added a little bracelet as a gift. I haven't worn it for long enough to see how it holds up, but so far so good. The butterfly clasp works well and seems to be sturdy enough. The strap has also started to soften up a bit, because at first it's rather stiff,but that's normal with these types of straps. I needed a 15mm size which is not very common, but I found it here and it fits perfectly with my watch. I think for this price, it's a very good product.
I have ordered this strap in three different sizes and with this 20mm strap, the keeper was much too large and one springbar was so loose, that the strap came off the watch while putting it on the wrist. The other two straps were fine. I suspect the quality control is lacking and while packing i got the keeper of a 22mm strap and the springbar of an 18mm one... I had another keeper from another strap and other springbars, so I was able to fix easily.