The seller assured me maximum assistance BEFORE buying. AFTER he just said "read the manual" or "you have to solve it yourself" The product does not correspond to the description. The pump switch is deactivated because the pump has a plug which must be inserted directly into the socket and never stops. All axes are not square. A microswitch conductor was broken. The work surface is irregular and flexible. The whole structure is flexible, not rigid at all. The work piece locking screws do not pass through the grooves. It did not provide the macro for the tool change. And finally I was unable to open a dispute because I wasted time fixing many problems and I arrived a day late
The seller assured me maximum assistance BEFORE buying. AFTER he just said "read the manual" or "you have to solve it yourself" The product does not correspond to the description. The pump switch is deactivated because the pump has a plug which must be inserted directly into the socket and never stops. All axes are not square. A microswitch conductor was broken. The work surface is irregular and flexible. The whole structure is flexible, not rigid at all. The work piece locking screws do not pass through the grooves. It did not provide the macro for the tool change. And finally I was unable to open a dispute because I wasted time fixing many problems and I arrived a day late