The seller sent the product on the last day of waiting (10 days after the order). I never received the product, because the Delivery service wrote that they do not have the product. I corresponded with the seller for three weeks. He promised to forward the order again. They referred to the fact that there are not enough hands, etc. So I opened a dispute and got the money back a week later. Although seller reviews are high, this is a story that happened to me. For the first time in many, many years, Ali ordered: ))) I wish the seller good luck and good customers )
The seller sent the product on the last day of waiting (10 days after the order). I never received the product, because the Delivery service wrote that they do not have the product. I corresponded with the seller for three weeks. He promised to forward the order again. They referred to the fact that there are not enough hands, etc. So I opened a dispute and got the money back a week later. Although seller reviews are high, this is a story that happened to me. For the first time in many, many years, Ali ordered: ))) I wish the seller good luck and good customers )