Overall it is fine, good value for the price but it not fit completely well. It took almost 4 months to get in to my location, custom clearance also rise the final price. Most of the mentioned wasn't caused by the store .
The item was a little slow to arrive but very well packaged in many layers of bubble wrap. I wish more sellers would take the time to do this as many packages arrive from China hopelessly squashed. The item itself is just a little different in style to the one I am replacing but will be hardly noticable down low on the car. Credit to the seller for acknowledging that passenger side in Australia is not the same as in China. I highly recommend this seller.
On attempting to install this fitting I discovered that it only has a single globe and the running light that sits to the outside of the main globe is not present. This is for a 2012 Skoda Superb wagon. Caveat emptor.