It’s not easy to install. I have a nissan x-trail 2019 and as soon as I turn off the vehicle the windows close automatically Regardless of the vehicle remote.
maybe you need basic knowledge about eletrical instalation, 'cause you must descover wich wires has locked door sign and wich wire has unlocked door sign. To Sentra (Sylphy) 2014-2020 Brazil exportation LOCK is blue wire to conect on orange one UNLOCK ia brown wire to conect on red one. Wow, try your change fellows...
maybe you need basic knowledge about eletrical instalation, 'cause you must descover wich wires has locked door sign and wich wire has unlocked door sign. To Sentra (Sylphy) 2014-2020 Brazil exportation LOCK is blue wire to conect on orange one UNLOCK ia brown wire to conect on red one. Wow, try your change fellows...