It's a good doorbell. The volume is loud and it has many melodies (classical music, Beatles, Titanic theme, Christmas songs). Unfortunately the selected ringtone is lost when turn off. To fix the transmitter on wall I had to change the screws (they are very small) and add wall plugs.
The Doorbell arrived in Slovenia in 60 days. Instructions in the box have the wrong explanation to set up the doorbell. Also I Bought Waterproof doorbell but in the manual are written to avoid water and sun exposure. A little bit confusion between manual and description on Aliexpress. Also when I set up two buttons with one receiver and two different melodies I have to tray a few times.In the end I gave up and suddenly on the last try I succeeded to set two different melodies for the buttons. Not the melody I want but it's better like nothing.Maybe it will be good to review your instructions in the box. Especially if this bell is mentioned like a present. In the end the bell it's really beautiful. Work without problems. I attached on the (in the manual it's written to avoid) iron (aluminium) door and it works fine. It has nice melodies and it's loud also for those who have problems with hearing.