Fast delivery, perfect description, great stuff, thank you
I am happy with the product and seller. The product I ordered was sent quickly and I received it within a week. The stencils are very flexible and a bit thin so I have to be careful with them so I won’t break any pieces off, but they are easy to use and stay in good shape even after using them over and over as long as I am careful enough to not break any pieces off. Not very suitable for small children who can be a bit too rough with them, but if you/they are careful enough they last a long time. I received all 20 stencils in a plastic foil envelope inside a bubble wrap envelope so my order was properly packed for sending. Some small pieces I still had to push out. They were cut out already so it was easy to just push out with a pencil and they were ready for use. I would say they are worth the money. The quality is good enough and they are easy to use and clean if necessary.
Easy to use and clean, a bit thin so be careful not to break or tear any pieces off, but still worth the money.