Packed extremely well and is shipped fast. The price for shipment may be high but the packaging is worth it. Every item is wrapped in sheets of foil,, bubbles or a newspaper. Thing are packed with much consideration. And transport is extremely safe this way in a custom made box with PUR isolation made to size. The only way the case can get damaged in transport is if a train is running over the package. Things are packed really well. The case is fine and firm. Every screw and bolt fitts perfectly and when assembled the case is really nice. Every surface is clean and shiny as it should be. This was a second shipment and there was a small scratch on the top plate. Unvisible when in use. The only remark from my side is about the feet. You have to drill the spot for the 4 feet yourself. Feet are just normal feet. No luxury or so. I ordered some nice feet in extra so think about this if you don't want to wait again. Thank you very much seller. you're an honour to AliExpress.)
Packed extremely well and is shipped fast. the shipment price may be high but the packing is worth it. Every item is wrapped in sheets of foil,, bubbles or a newspaper. Thing are packed with much consideration. And transport is extremely safe this was. The only way the case can get damaged in transport is if a train is running over the package. Things are packed really well. The case is fine and firm. Every screw and bolt fitts perfectly and when assembled the case is really nice. Every surface is clean and shiny as it should be. The only remark from my side is about the feet. You have to drill the spot for the feet yourself. Feet are just normal feet. No luxury or so. I ordered some nice feet in extra so think about this if you don't want to wait again. Thank you very much seller. you're an honour to AliExpress. (NO commercial interests for me)