Unfortunately, the seller gave me the wrong advice for my size. Instead of the specified size M, he recommended size L to me. As the sizes quoted vary widely in different sellers on AliExpress. Unfortunately the size recommended by the seller does not fit me. The blazer is too big for me. I'm disappointed. Because to this day I have always received almost the right advice from the other sellers for many, many clothing that I have already ordered to this day. It's a shame. I want a refund. Because I can't use the blazer that is too big because it doesn't fit me. You can have photos enclosed as evidence. thanks
Very good product and very nice seller. Very good communication from seller. If the size is wrong, a free return is possible. Unfortunately, I missed something with the not so good rating. I want to correct the bad rating. Because the product is good and the seller is also very nice and competent. Unfortunately I cannot delete the bad review and the AliExpress Custom Service Help Center cannot delete it because of your guidelines. But the seller should get 5 stars from me. Thank you