DONT BUY THIS HELMIT.!!!!the helmit is not like the picture. the inside is different, it has no cushion support safty for your head inside. it is a thin layer of fabrick. the seller says the helmit is a real beon. but i think its a replica. the outside looks okay but the quality of the inside is not good. there is no comfort. and the helmit is not Air tight. the seller is verry RUDE. he told me to stop waisting his time after i told my conserns about the helmit. DONT BUY. ITS NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY!!!!!
THIS HELMIT DOES NOT!!!MEET THE REQUIRMENT. SO DO NOT ORDER HERE!! I OPEND A DISPUTE BECAUSE ITS NOT WHAT THE SELLER IS ADVERTISING BUT THEY ARE CLAIMING ITS APPROVED AND THE SELLER IS MEAN!!. I took the helmit for a test drive. but the helmit hurts my head. the size is okay but there is no cushion protection in the helmit. only a thin piece of fabrick. On the road air gets in de helmit. its not air tight. the helmit came with a anti fog sticker, but it does not really work.