Item was too small does not fit the indicated size is not correct. The seller does not want to send a new one or give money back. May return it at your expense. I never buy from this seller.
Dear customer, if you need to return the goods, you need to confirm the following tips: (1) You need to pay the high shipping cost yourself. We will not refund the shipping cost to you. (2) The item you returned will be good and it can not affect our second sale. Otherwise, we will not refund. (3) If the item you returned is lost or broken in transit, we can not refund. (4) You need to write your order number on a paper, and then put it with the item together. (5) You need to submit a returning request on aliexpress and choose the correct address. (6) You need to ship via the company which can be tracked. So that we can know the goods status.
Arrived but too short. Does not fit 200cm mattress. me very sad