The seller is a fraud. Specified the wrong price ($1200 more!), the customs demanded a duty that is many times higher than the value of the goods, I naturally refused. But since the goods were delivered to the place of delivery by the tracker, the dispute was closed in favor of the seller. Now the seller has both the goods and the money. He returned a part of it by shadow schemes (via PayPal), now he is clean and innocent for Ali. Sent a complaint of fraud, I'll get a stop list for the store, you do not get caught. In no case do not advise to contact, if you do not want to lose 3 months, money and nerves to communicate with this fr***ks. Продавец мошенник. Указал неверную цену, на таможне потребовали пошлину, многократно превышающую стоимость товара, я естественно отказался. Но так как по трекеру товар доставлен к месту выдачи, спор закрыт в пользу продавца. Теперь у продавца и товар и деньги. Часть он вернул теневыми схемами (через PayPal), теперь кормит завтраками. Не попадитесь
The seller is a fraud. Specified the wrong price ($1200 more!), the customs demanded a duty that is many times higher than the value of the goods, I naturally refused. But since the goods were delivered to the place of delivery by the tracker, the dispute was closed in favor of the seller. Now the seller has both the goods and the money. He returned a part of it by shadow schemes (via PayPal), now he is clean and innocent for Ali. Sent a complaint of fraud, I'll get a stop list for the store, you do not get caught. In no case do not advise to contact, if you do not want to lose 3 months, money and nerves to communicate with this fr***ks. Продавец мошенник. Указал неверную цену, на таможне потребовали пошлину, многократно превышающую стоимость товара, я естественно отказался. Но так как по трекеру товар доставлен к месту выдачи, спор закрыт в пользу продавца. Теперь у продавца и товар и деньги. Часть он вернул теневыми схемами (через PayPal), теперь кормит завтраками. Не попадитесь