25 days to Kyiv, Ukraine via Mongolia! Absolutely no tracking. Cable thinner, than other normal cable (see on picture). The seller's behavior is absolutely terrible. This store is absolute record holder for the duration of delivery on all orders - 2-3 times longer than others. If he sends a faulty item, he does not respond to messages in chat. Only after opening a dispute begins to answer, but offers first to close the dispute, and then in 3(!) days he will send a replacement. Do not agree in any case. Dispute closed by aliexpress. dispute won and closed aliexpress, money refunded. The seller pulled as hard as he could, not wanting to do anything. His first offer was to refund 0USD. I don't recommend to deal with him, unfortunately he sells products of a good manufacturer but he does it in a very bad way. I hope this review will make him improve his work.