Item has not been received. Seller wasted a lot of my time during return process. Item has been shipped back to seller by mail company automatically it was visible from tracking. instead of acknoknowledging this seller stopped respondig. In Dispute seller behave like if item never has been shipped back to him, wasted time by providing stupid proposals. totally not recommend having any deal with that seller
Item has not been received. Seller wasted a lot of my time during return process. Item has been shipped back to seller by mail company automatically it was visible from tracking. instead of acknoknowledging this seller stopped respondig. In Dispute seller behave like if item never has been shipped back to him, wasted time by providing stupid proposals. totally not recommend having any deal with that seller
"You reject the package, for whatever reason, and must bear all the consequences. You open the case, it's all decided by aliexpress, and I have nothing to do for you." Based on reply - be aware to waste a lot of time with this seller in case of any issues OR possible return of items. Even it is possible according to AliExpress policy.