Delivery and shipping time was very good but the quality of the parts is quite bad. Ordered four adapters, of the four one of them had a broken gasket (see picture). The gaskets are very soft and I would not recommend anyone using them. I will probably fit some new ones. Two of them have a lot of metal flashing still on the metal screen (see second picture). Due to them being in contact with beer I will have to disassemble them and clean them up. I do not want any of my friends to have stainless steel flakes in their beer. Other than that: functionality seems good, threads run clean (if a bit loose for my taste).
Delivery and shipping time was very good but the quality of the parts is quite bad. Ordered four adapters, of the four one of them had a broken gasket (see picture). The gaskets are very soft and I would not recommend anyone using them. I will probably fit some new ones. Two of them have a lot of metal flashing still on the metal screen (see second picture). Due to them being in contact with beer I will have to disassemble them and clean them up. I do not want any of my friends to have stainless steel flakes in their beer. Other than that: functionality seems good, threads run clean (if a bit loose for my taste).