The glass is good, but the frame, upon removing the protective film, came apart from the glue, so it's not usable. The seller tried to convince me that the frame will hold without the glue. I don't see how something that requires glue in the first place will hold without it. Obviously, it didn't work without the glue and I had to discard it. I'm very disappointed, because, for the amount of waiting time, I was expecting something more worth my money.
The glass is good, but the frame, upon removing the protective film, came apart from the glue, so it's not usable. The seller tried to convince me that the frame will hold without the glue. I don't see how something that requires glue in the first place will hold without it. Obviously, it didn't work without the glue and I had to discard it. I'm very disappointed, because, for the amount of waiting time, I was expecting something more worth my money.