AVR910 AVRProg AVR Programmer for ATMEGA8 ATMEGA16 ATMEGA8535 for .hex .ebn ► Photo 1/1


  • Brand Name: CNEWTEC

AVR910 AVRProg AVR Programmer for ATMEGA8 ATMEGA16 ATMEGA8535 for .hex .ebn

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2.58 $
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Rating: 3.7

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Customer Reviews

May 24, 2020

Order May 5, May 10:start shipping, May 18:left china, May 19: arrived in korea, May 21:passed korean tarif office, May 23 : received by CJ home delivery. Total 18 days. Starting took 5 days.

May 24, 2020

Order May 5, May 10:start shipping, May 18:left china, May 19: arrived in korea, May 21:passed korean tarif office, May 23 : received by CJ home delivery. Total 18 days. Starting took 5 days.