Seller didn't bother to ship the CPU's on time. Since I was dumb enough to trust the seller, I ordered 20. This seller cost me $25 because the international card transaction fee is non-refundable. After this, I was still dumb enough to try and reorder the 20 CPUs. Instead of an adjusted price, the seller immediately raised the price and told me to purchase but not pay. That they would then "adjust" the price. When I asked if the price was exactly the same (shipping plus handling), I heard nothing back. I am normally very forgiving with my ratings because sellers have a difficult job with many bad customers. I get that. Unfortunately, this just didn't work out and gets 0 stars from me because dealing with them cost me $25, and I couldn't even reorder at the same price. Will you have a better experience? Maybe. I hope so. Regardless, you know what I know - choose wisely.