Order received,thank you
Expectacular. This seller has sent the product in a very logical time. The packaging, with perfect bubble wrap that avoids any incident during transport. The product is better than I expected, it is totally as in the description of the item provided by the seller, but also includes extras, such as the 3-LED light, you can tilt it right and left. The magnifying glasses have a totally perfect and clear vision. The rear part where the size adjustment wheel is housed incorporates a very good system. To regulate the size of your head, you must pull the wheel towards you, and turn to accommodate your size, and then, just by releasing the wheel, it is locked, without the possibility of moving alone. I can not add more praise for this product and this seller, and just add that I have been very very happy. I enclose some images so that those who have doubts, can finally decide on this article and this seller. Greetings