I received a crooked rail, it was not properly aligned at the factory and was bent in the middle. the carriage did not move freely even if lube was applied. This is not my first linear rail so I know how to handle them. Anyways I contacted the seller to resolve this. And get this I was offered to put the rail in towel and hammer at it. Yes use a hammer to a product you just bought to correct it. After stalling enough I was no longer open a dispute for a refund. I did try the hammer method, but as expected it made matters only worse. I let the seller know but seller, despite having read my messages, decided to ignore me. He got the money, no way for me to ask for a refund all good. So I am using the feedback form to let you know, that if you get a crooked rail, solution will be to use a hammer, and after some time you wont get any responses anymore. I suggest you look elsewhere to take your business.
packed really nice