The items were of good build quality. I'm impressed.
The product is OK, as is the Seller. I am totally dissatisfied with the belgian and dutch postal services. They kept the package in the mentioned countries for 35 days, until they "remembered" that they had to send it onto Romania, to the final destination. And I still have other packages waiting in those countries to be sent to destination for about two months already! I do not understand why AliExpress communicates with satisfaction that the package arrived in the "country of destination" when it actually arrives only in the country of transit, where it can stay in vain for an indefinite number of days, before reaching its actual destination! I think that the time of retention of parcels in the transit countries depends on the mood of the postal workers, as well as on the destination country of the recipient ... Anyway, what has been happening for some time is totally outrageous! And all this abuse is blamed on Covid 19...
Why do you lie gentlemen from AliExpress that you published the feedback, when in fact you did not publish any words from what I wrote ?!