This seller has been good for me. And a good product for a good price. Be aware though that there are also sellers on aliexpress that try to scam you by using fake trackingnumbers for packages that will be delivered to someone else in the same country as you. And aliexpress does not seem to care about that and you will lose your money. Also, leave negative feedback before opening a claim, because after a claim, leaving honest negative feedback is not possible. - I think everyone should post feedback like this to let other buyers know about all the scams that could be possible.
This seller has been good for me. And a good product for a good price. Be aware though that there are also sellers on aliexpress that try to scam you by using fake trackingnumbers for packages that will be delivered to someone else in the same country as you. And aliexpress does not seem to care about that and you will lose your money. Also, leave negative feedback before opening a claim, because after a claim, leaving honest negative feedback is not possible. - I think everyone should post feedback like this to let other buyers know about all the scams that could be possible.