The seller respond frequently but the shipping time is almost 2 months to get every. the battery shipped fast but the rest of the kit takes fucking forever. the battery is too big for most bike. the bike is super fucking fast. the wheel is very heavy but it is good quality. if you have the wheel and battery in the bike it is too heavy for most people. if you buy it put the battery in the front otherwise you will be doing wheeeely the entire time. you should get a thumb throttle to avoid killing yourself. ride with caution this thing is too fast about 60 to 70mph. the only major problem with buying from this seller is the shipping and constant false promises. overall the kit is good but the seller needs to send manual and cassette or tools to remove cassette and pedals. I had to get a battery bag, tools to remove cassette, pedals and also I had to expand the bike frame for the kit to fit. make sure you use disc break for front and back otherwise it harder to stop going at a higher spee
The seller respond frequently but the shipping time is almost 2 months to get every. the battery shipped fast but the rest of the kit takes fucking forever. the battery is too big for most bike. the bike is super fucking fast. the wheel is very heavy but it is good quality. if you have the wheel and battery in the bike it is too heavy for most people. if you buy it put the battery in the front otherwise you will be doing wheeeely the entire time. you should get a thumb throttle to avoid killing yourself. ride with caution this thing is too fast about 60 to 70mph. the only major problem with buying from this seller is the shipping and constant false promises. overall the kit is good but the seller needs to send manual and cassette or tools to remove cassette and pedals. I had to get a battery bag, tools to remove cassette, pedals and also I had to expand the bike frame for the kit to fit. make sure you use disc break for front and back otherwise it harder to stop going at a higher spee