comes with sheet protector. the plastic feels unpolished or uncoated, and its more vulnerable to scratches than the oem housing. has all the stuff like button pads, springs for shoulder buttons, etc. the d pad is cracked and the buttons feel loose. i don’t know if it’s the housing’s problem or mine. 보호필름 동봉되어있습니다 안쪽 플라스틱은 코팅안된거같은 느낌이라 기스에 약한거같네요 버튼패드나 스프링같은거 다 들어있어요 버튼 클릭감이 좀 약한데 (덜렁거리는 느낌) 이 하우징 문제인건지 제가 조립하다 뭔가를 잘못한건진 잘 모르겠네요
Everything is fine :-)