The radio itself works fine, but STAY AWAY from this seller. Probably the worst customer service I’ve experienced - I should have known from his responses to customer reviews. This seller thinks all customers are dumb and that they can get away blaming the customers for seller’s incompetence. Also be prepared to wait a long time for your order to reach you - the order gets marked as shipped, but it will sit at a warehouse until they accumulate enough orders to ship in bulk. BUT, the customer still gets charged $60 for shipping. I had to insist and then they shipped it through FedEx. Ridiculous! One last thing - don’t trust this seller when they say they will disable the backup camera module. They said they would, but failed to do so, and when I asked about it, they asked me to do it myself. To put it mildly - this seller can go kick rocks.
Item as described, works great on golf mk6 2009 !