Shipping: in a large taped box with orders from the same store Packaging: one clear tube bag with canvas wrapped around drills Kit: green boat without spout, pink pen without multiplacer, no baggies and square pale pink wax Canvas: stiff with key on top and bottom, some shipping folds that should straighten out under some books. Glue type: poured glue, lightly tacky Measurements: 24x34 cm Symbol type: alphanumeric Symbol clarity: clear without light pad Drills: in a strip together. Shapes include different sized rounds and teardrop. 12 colors DMC? Yes but they're the type seen with special drills. I love the amount of diamonds to place, I think it'll look pretty when done.
Shipping: in a large taped box with orders from the same store Packaging: one clear tube bag with canvas wrapped around drills Kit: green boat without spout, pink pen without multiplacer, no baggies and square pale pink wax Canvas: stiff with key on top and bottom, some shipping folds that should straighten out under some books. Glue type: poured glue, lightly tacky Measurements: 24x34 cm Symbol type: alphanumeric Symbol clarity: clear without light pad Drills: in a strip together. Shapes include different sized rounds and teardrop. 12 colors DMC? Yes but they're the type seen with special drills. I love the amount of diamonds to place, I think it'll look pretty when done.