Arrived well packaged thank u
As others have said, the bags are quite good quality& good value for the money. The 9mm bags are crystal clear, have no smell & don't leak. The zip lock strip holds very strongly & tight with no leaking. *The 9mm bags are strong enough to hold heavier things like steel nuts, bolts & washers! But not things like sharp nails that could poke through the bags. - The bags are easily re-usable and work like new after some careful washing & cleaning! - I use them to freeze and store packs of grated cheese, ground meats, sauces and anything else that can be kept safely frozen for longer periods. They work very well as 'freezer bags'. I will now be ordering a variety of other bag sizes to accommodate my needs for storing many other things used around my home. I'm very happy with the promised delivery times, the quality of the bags, and the sellers good service.