All 13 items bought from this store were shortened. It's ridiculous and has no excuse. It is a bad practice in shortening customers' by selling as 5 yards but delivery 4.5 yards some even a 3.5 yards. It was not one here and one there it was in all 13 items does it matter what it is. On top of that pieces are not continuos so in some I had 3.75 y and 0.5 yards etc etc.. There is no chance I will buy from them again. Nice products but malicious behavior. for it is unacceptable. I would never be able to treat my customers like this. So if I bought this to resell by the yard as usual or by 5 yards I cannot because I have only 4 something if so some have only 3 something yards. I'm really pissed off.
Nice. Thank you!