2 weeks delivery from China to Canada. Good product received and tested. Very good communication with the seller. Happy with the product. Something is wrong with the Chinese people, they shipped 3/4 of my orders in 2 weeks, the rest was in a month. They are more careful with the shipping now.
Good temperature exchange. Pull the air and blows it in one direction, not pushing it to the board. 4 wire control. Only one problem, big one: works VERY NOISILY. Close to a vacuum cleaner. Good product for industrial not personal. Fills the room with noise.
2 weeks delivery from China to Canada. Good product received and tested. Very good communication with the seller. Happy with the product. Something is wrong with the Chinese people, they shipped 3/4 of my orders in 2 weeks, the rest was in a month. They are more careful with the shipping now.