All right, this is my honest review about this item. 1. Packaging and length of shipping The item arrive from China to New Zealand in 1 Month with a very good packaging. The seller wrap the camera (inside the box) with bubble wrap and again wrap the box with a large bubble plastic before inserted to the shipping envelope. 2. Functionality of the Camera I am really happy with the product! It matches all the description. Function such Infra Red, ADAS, Wifi and other are working as described. This is really important to understand! 3. What other Customer need to be aware of. a. Even though is not written in the description. My camera CAN ONLY UPDATE THE FIRMWARE USING A 32 GB (OR LESS) CLASS 10 SD CARD. I bought a 64 Gb SD Card and the camera just wont update using it. However, please note that this is for updating only. You can use anywhere from 8Gb to 128Gb for recording purposes. b. The ADAS System can only work with 1080 Resolution, the ADAS will not work in resolution higher
c. The ADAS won't show you information if you turn on the screen saver. If the screen never goes black, it will show you why the warning sound appear such as you are to close to the car infront of you or you are drifting away from your current lane. However, once the screen saver is active and your screen is black, you will only hear the warning sound d. You NEED TO CONTACT the seller for the computer software to playback the file. 3 The after Sales Seller always reply my messages. I found this very important for online transaction like this.
Very bad quality