It was working 2 month and after that lcd panel stop working. Still sending pictures but i cant change setup. I wondering is there any chance to get new lcd panel as spare parts?
I bought this camera because of 4G and FTP protocol. I also ordered cheapest Linode server and put "vsftpd" ftp server on it. Configured camera to upload every photo to FTP server, and spawned a script on that Linode instance that pools FTP directory for any new images every second. Once image is found, it sends to Telegram chat via Telegram bot and deletes. This allowed me to achieve telegram photos feed of the camera. :D Only simple FTP is supported, so no sFTP. After few nights of usage, camera is still at 100% and looking at other hunting camera experience, it should last about 4-8 months on the same AA batteries. Camera has lots of configuration options using software (actually has everything you likelly ever going to need). Usage is dead simple, and this is great because you will not need any drivers. Software is actually a config file generator/editor, so you put a file on SD card, poweron camera and it's done. in conclusion, highly recommended product!